Bye Bye My Sis~~

My lil (and only) sis Nana (right pakai pink tudung) will be attending her new varsity, THE UIA this coming Saturday.
My parents and I will be there to bid her farewell and wish her the greatest luck for the upcoming upheaval she'll overcome to be achieve her dreams (it's sad that that my bro cannot come and join the goodbye wave- ABANG: orang ada exam la ngok!)
I think my house will be slightly quieter without her scream
(NANA's habit: Makcik KAKAK!! gi cuci pinggan! Orang dah kemas meja nih!!)
my room will be slightly better without her
(NANA's habit: Oooh, sorry. tersepahkan bilik dengan timbunan baju Nana yang ada berjuta-juta pasang nih..)
the desktop computer will be cooler since no one will be using it anymore
(NANA's habit: Sorry terbangun lewat. Semalam tdo kul tiga YM dari petang.ehe.)
But I'll miss all those bad (sorry Nana) habits she used to do even though I always felt like strangling her when she repeated it.
-blajar leklok jom tunjuk girl power kite kick abang nye a** KEKEKE
-slalu doa untuk mak n abah n jangan lupe bace Quran
-smuge panjang umo and panjang jodoh ngan N bukan nama sebenar(seriously akak tak sangka N bukan name sebenar tu gle pendek orangnye)
and other unrelated advice:
-rajin2 ar tengok SuJu and kenalpasti sumer member. Bukan Changmin DBSK je manusia lelaki paling handsome ok! Berlambak lagi yang comel.
Love U!
tp macam sebuk stdy subjek cintan2 jer
aku stuju dgn knyataan bhw bukan changmin saja makhluk kacak di korea
Kim hyun Joong mcam Yamapi la dalam Boys over Flowers! Nyaaaa~~