mari kita bercutiii!!!!

Retard betul.

Why do we need to have a little break for a sudden outbreak because of the stupendous pig disease in the varsity?

And our Raya hols ended up annexed by the sudden break. Like we ask for it! Hawau punye Dato Misai.

Even though I welcome every hols with open arms, (who didnt like hols btw?) the thought often went into dismay every time I try to think about the war (literally) that I have to fight upon to scrunch a ticket home for Raya nex September. SHEESH!

That Dato Misai better be fully prepared or the students will organize a sudden raid to his lair. KUKUKU~~~

By the way, I listened to Puan Nadzriah and bought myself a book entitled The Alchemist written (so far beautifully) by Paulo Coelho. Actually, my book list is this:

*Wind-up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami
*Kafka by the Shore by Haruki Murakami
*Love in the Time of Cholera by whatemyacallit (ahaha...sorry..i dun remember the author's name...)
*The Zahir by Paulo Coelho

and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. So far I was only able to get my hands on The Alchemist. Kuantan had such very poorly maintained bookshops. They dun even bother to update their stocks...
Such things really make my life as a law student miserable...


Anonymous said…
not raya cuti la.

my sis said that cuti study leave yg xde. huhu
amal X icchan said…
patty: huhu..yeke??

thanx 4 d infoo... =D
nObby said…
study week pnya cuti??
habislah result aku
(org yang hanya bersungguh2 blajar masa study week shaja)
lujainichelong said…
alo geng
selamat berpuasa
maaf zahir bating


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