Blood and Gore
Ohoo...these 2 words alone suffice to describe my entire Eiduladha week.
Well, to sum-up everything and perhaps in a way or another tests your understanding lets take a tiny meeny test. Here goes. What does this:

had gotten to do with

Well, nothing, one might said. But to me both of these symbolize my Eiduladha 1430H, you see. on the very day of Hari Raya Qurban itself my siblings and I "devoted" (layakkah aku ckp begini?? mentang2 mak abah kat Mekah kitorg bkn main lg joli sakan kekekeke...) ourselves to movie-watching; something we find rather interesting to do in festive seasons. Well, the theatres were not quite packed, even though there wer lots of "Ah-Bengs" and uncivilized beings that just doesnt know to start being courteous towards othe other audience. Someone needs Auntie English here!!!
Well, ok. So there goes our very first day of Eid. A fiesty treat with Rain (hooo..Chocolate abs!) in the bloody movie Ninja Assassin. Well, people were scouring for some "vampy-wolfy" injection this week but I just think being different is better sometimes. Well, Im neither Edward's nor Jacob's team by the way. Im Raizo's team! Yeah, how's that? Pft. cam ape jek.
Well, Ninja Assassin, as expected from the Wachowski Brothers were full with action. Overflowed with it, to be exact. Its a treat to the eyes when I see Rain (shirtless, mind you) jumping here and there, doing some badass moves (please ignore the "Engrish" btw) and honing his skills in Berlin. Nicee... Then Lee Joon of MBLAQ made his first appearance as the younger version of Rain. Seriously, Joon, you looked better with your hair. Please do not have any intention to go bald. Ever.
The story line are quite simple though. not too much drama, not too thought provoking, not too mind boggling. Nice and smooth for a mind with an already complex cerebrum like mine (ahahahaha...yalah).
But blood and gore was everywhere. No wonder its rated 18SG though. People were losing their heads (literally) everywhere. Some lost fingers, being an amputee in a matter of miliseconds and got slashed and mutilated. Whooh...My elder brother was twitching...with "acks!" and "what the..." While my lil sister was practically stunned. In horror.
I was laughing, discreetly. Things are gore, but not to my standard of gore yet. I think I've seen worse than that, Wachowski.
So...why were we watching such movie in Eid? Well, our reasoning and intentions are simple.
We're to prepare for the real deal of blood and gore the next day, you see...
For the ibadah qurban ritual...
Its my first time helping the qurban-its quite fun at the same time. There's really things that we call community-oriented, you know. And we're livin' it to the fullest. Nice!
The cows were slaughtered (yes, in front of our naked eyes). My brother was helping the others to make the cows sty flat on the ground before slaughtering and our Ustaz Zawawi had the honour of slashing (is this word appropriate??) the cows...There were around 16-20 groups of 7 people (we're representing Abah). Abah's name was put in group 15.
Then there comes the real deal of blood and gore. When Ustaz Zawawi wielded his "parang kontot" its nowhere near Himura "Battousai" Kenshin though but it was crazzyy!! Blood gushes out and there was some strange grunting sound coming from the cow. was a sight. I felt pity, but it seems that the cow itself comply to its role. It was as though it had understands that the end of his life is sacrificed for a sacred ibadah; the qurban, and it seem to be okay with it. R.I.P. Cow. In our stomach, that is.
My brother nearly succumbs to fainting spells. Aparaa...His face was ashen (he's nowhere near having pale complexion but that day was his exception) and from there I knew he had one friggin' huge fear: BLOOD!!!
Macam mana nak ada bini nanti? As soon as the slaughter ended, he went to us with quite a tipsy move, asking- "Diorang ada provide air tak??"
And I near died of silent laughter.
Then it was me and Nana's job. Meat-cutting. Yay.
We practically "woman-handled" the meat (its warm and freshh...) with bare hands and divided them to 7 parts. Pak Cik Jamal made a good joob "kapak"ing the "gearboxes" ahahaha...I was scared looking at the way he handle the axe..Scary! As no want wishes the tail, he grabs it then. We took our parts and back home we divided it to other 5 parts. 1 for us and the other 4 for others; Pakcik Shamsul, Ateh, Makcik Maziah and Faeez, that is.
Nice Eid, this year. Hope I can do it again next year. (^_^) <3