I keep a bad track with my blog and time, just so you know. ^^;;;;
Today's Ramadhan the 5th, 1431H.
Pertama kali sejak empat tahun bergelar mahasiswi aku dpt sambut 1 Ramadhan dengan parents aku..sobsob. I'm in Kuantan since the last day of Rejab so Nana n abang..silalah jealous dengan kemampuan saye berada di Kuantan walaupun kelas berjalan lancar di UiTM. keke.
No, I didnt skip my class!
I just skip d whole semester!
For those who didnt know I had to skip d whole semester. It's not that I loooovvvveee to delay my studies or anything it's just that I have to go abroad on this September for four months that I'll miss my finals so nak tak nak...kenalah apply study leave, hence, I'll graduate a semester LATER than Nunui, Ajeem n Nobby. wuwu.
Jap. I'm going this September. September the 1st, that is...up until December the 19th.
Oh, great. Eidul-Fitr and Eidul-Adha without my family.
Darn it!
*wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuu~~secret bawling*