Mumble Jumble of Feelings

Heyya~~~(nyanyi ala2 Outkast's Andre 2000) lalalalala...

Happy? Nope. I'm actually not really happy. My friggin' last post's prediction kinda stab myself hard. This week was kinda depressing though, esp. after mooting class. My confidence level even made a drastic somersault plunge deep into the darkest, bottomest depth... (hamek kau..bapak drama...LOL)

Stupid presentation. 

I don't think that our presentation is that stupid. It's just our timing sangatlah tidak seswai pada tarikh  kami membentangkan proses-proses rayuan tu...Sungguh depressing. Apelah kena panggil lepas 2 "Gigantor" group wat presentation..hancus confidence level aku.

Anywayyy.... To the hell with the presentation. Ajeem n Bambang, WELCOME!!! *Tabur confetti* last...ada juge yg ter'sudi' nak jenguk2 blogku yg humble nih... (tapi shout box aku dah buang so takleh nak say hi ke ape) Juz comment je la posting aku ekk.. thrashing, complimenting ke...sumer dialukan... Selalunye Nobby jek yg terhingin nak comment. Ament lak wat pandang lalu je..(ini blog bukan drive-thru ye! ahahaha..kidding2

Tomorrow, I'll hv a meeting wit sensei-tachi at S&T at 12 p.m. terbakor la berjalan kaki dr sect7...huk. Actually my dad asked me to come home but I think I'll pass on that for a while. Sorry daddy...dialog kitorang semalam actually camni:

Abah: Hello?
Aku: Ye? Abah! Asal?
Abah: Kat mane sekarang?
Aku: Aaa..uuu..(ntah nape aku tetibe panik semacam padahal abah call semalam waktu baru habis kelas kul 6)...emmm..kat UiTM lagi ni..Asal bah?
Abah: Tak nak balik ke minggu ni?? (abah memang straight to the point ahahaha...)
Aku: Kena balik ke? Kenape?
Abah: (Gelak tetibe.) Takdelahh, abang n yana balik ujung minggu ni, awak xnak balik ke?
Aku: Ada hal skit la hr sabtu ni bah...ada aktiviti sket.
Abah: Ok2..I see...Tapi nex week jangan balik tau.
Aku: ??? (mak abah aku dah disown aku ke? Tak nak bagi aku balik plak...)
Abah: Abah ngan mak gi Labuan la... Bye2...(Gelak lagi. This time lebih dahsyat.)
Aku: Alaaa......
Abah: Kalau nak balik pun boleh, tapi duduk la luar umah sorang-sorang...
Aku: Uwaa...
Abah: OK. Nak cakap tu je. ahahahahahahahahahaha~~(ketawa ini bergema. serius.)
Aku: Uwaaaa......(and abah pun tekan butang merah kat blackberry dia. chis.)

In weeks to come I'll be crazier. By the way I have the feeling (nyanyi lagu B.E. P lak, I Gotta Feeling!) It's gonna be a huge emotional roller-coaster ride.

Please, don't make this semester shorten my life by 10 tears. huhu.


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