New Year Post

I spent my entire first week of January this new year to think about the most captivating title I could ever grasped to attract zillions (of visitors) to my blog and ended up using the GREATEST TITLE EVERRRRR!!!!!!

Huk. I'm in the midst of great brain-drain right now so forgive me for anything stupid that mention here. (macam org lain kesah, aku pnye blog ni tak pernah di-visit pun!!)
New semester starts. My fourth. Well, supposedly, my sixth, adding up with 2 pre-law semesters, but whatevs.
I have this unexplainable love-hate relationship with my new term here.

<3 LOVE:- 
+hail to great groupmates!
:( HATE:-
-not so great classmates...

<3 LOVE:-
+2 subjects less in finals!!!
:( HATE:-
-2 additional subject of 100% assessment....*groans*

But so far, so good, *quoting Ji Young in Big Bang's Lotte World's BTS--yes, Ament, you have to Google it yourself. Sorry that I can't help* and I still living in a dream-like world, you know. The real-deal hasn't really kicked in. But I can sense some pretty hectic+tensed+busy+unhealthy+depressing (need any more adjectives??) lifestyle in weeks to come. I need to brace myself for the impact, before it's Kablam!!!......Dabush!!!
Come and challenge me life!!!! I'll prepare and we're going to have the greatest face-off!!!

 This picture is actually pretty disturbing. (0_0)


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