
I'm fresh from Yachimata, Chiba.

Great suburb, lots of greenery and friendly awesome people.. I want to go again to Yachimataa!!
OK, here goes my Homestay chronicles:

08 Oct: I met Tamami at BGU's gate and we went straight to Todaimae station: Andrea gave up on taking up pictures of me since she missed Will's departure to Nagano. So we board the train around 4.30p.m and arrived at Yachimata: 2 friggin hours later (Mind you, Tamami commute everyday to BGU this way), around 7.00 p.m.
At the doorstep I saw Non-non, (real name, Isobe Nobuhiro) my foster otouto, who was polite enough to greet me with a smile. He's 13, so he's preteen features are cute! haha. (aku tak pernah ada adek laki2 okeh, so, excited!)
At 7.30, Okaasan, who is sooo cute and funny lady offered me a seat while she's making dinner. I want to help but her Japanese courtesy says: It's OK! So we waited and ate a FEAST.
Tempuraaa!!! Sedap nak mati! I met the rest of the family; Mocchan: 16 (real name, Isobe Motohiro) and Obaasan (saya rindu arwah nenek :'( huhu). Otousan, takde sebab kerja jadi Electronic Supervisor kat train company.
 Then it's the OFURO time.
Aku gelabah jap sebab tak pernah masuk ofuro, tapi naseb baek Mito-sensei ada bagi instruction prior my homestay stint on how to use an ofuro properly. So, menggigil-gigil jap aku nak masuk ofuro ni sebab tak pernah guna (and sebab suhu luar sangat sejuuk! 15centigrade okeh.)
So, me retreated to Tamami's Chip & Dale infested (cute!) room and we gossipy-gossipy (biasakla perempuan okehh) until 11 and tido!

09 Oct: Pagi2 sudah bangun, Subuh..tapi pastu tdo balek! Huduh perangai. Adek2 jangan tiru ye. Pastu turun tengok kat dapur kalau ada yang boleh ditolong but as always, my offer is rejected. So, sarapan nasik n Sake (ikan ye, bukan itu alkohol) n aku tambah nasik lagik..Okaasan punya makanan sedap homaii..
After that, Okaasan bawak pegi Narita san. Makan dango seperti di bawah:
Oh yeah, by the way Non-non and Mocchan tak ikut, masing2 ade tournament Volleyball kat sekolah.
Then, we ate (actually I ate) friggin' lot, as below:
1. Dango.
2. Senbei
3. Soba
I am sinful to my belly.

Okaasan dropped kitorang kat station n Tamami brought me to Sakura city, tengok Sakura-matsuri tapi hujan so tak seronok sangat..(=へ=)We ended walking another 800 metres (ye, 800 meters okeh) to Buke-Yashiki, Samurai traditional houses in Sakura. Fun, It's like Nihon Minka-en. Of course, the museum-y feel is there.

Pastu balek ar! Hujan mencurah2 ke ladang gandum!
Makan malam: sushi. Ootoro sedap! No wonder Haruhi suke sangat.

Tamami and I went for a quick Uniqlo stop while waiting for laundry. heheh. Uniqlo will be coming to Malaysia on November 4th! Tanoshimi ne minna!!

The next day baruulah dapat jumpe Otousan. Still tired from work, Otousan is nice enough to bring me and Tamami plus Okaasan (again, Non-non got volleyball practice and Mocchan caught flu) to Itako. We ate a lot! Tendon plus size. It's worth the wait. I saw all sorts of Japanese sea delicacies: uni (landak-laut kinda thing), tako (kurita), sazae (akutaktaupebendenameMelayunye), gaki (oyster), hotate (scallops) n manyaaaak lagik laah!
Malam sebelum dinner tu Tamami brought me AEON Jusco (sebijik cam kat Bukit Tinggi) and we took purikuras!! (which turned my eyes into strange looking alien-y creatures) still, serunuuukk!
Dinner: seafood barbeque. kenyang tak hengaaatt!! Lepas hotate, sazae, udang, cendawan, jagong, pastu kuri-cake (chestnut cake) pastu aiskrim lagikk. hari2 camni aku gemok wehh.

The next day was pretty teary sebab sedih laa! Nak balik dah! kan best kalau dapat duk lama2! (pokai family ni aku dok lelama) hahaha...

ape2pun, おせわになりました! Thank you so much, jasa mereka tak terbalas (Homestay ni sikit diorang tak dapat duit tau!) Love Chiba muchie.
heheh. <3

P.S: Watched Waratte Iitomo, ItteQ, and Oshareism (the FOG Bar guys with Miyazaki Aoi) in the comfort of Isobe Family home. It's HD! wuaaaaauuuu!!


Anonymous said…
more..seafood!yeh!memang diorag x mkn ayam eh?

amal X icchan said…
Diorang hormat giler saye yang takleh makan dageng nih! wuhuuu!!
Seronot sangatt!

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