

It's been 3 weeks after my last post. And within the 3 weeks span, my life experienced a huge whirlwind change, literally like--how fate twisted and  turned my life into a series of situation that I had never imagined. Okeh this is when an appropriate BGM is inserted: 
Scorpion's Winds of Change.
haha. okeh meghepek.

Say, anyone who managed to scour my FB profile and see the changes there could understand what on eff that I'm talking about.

Yeah, it felt like just yesterday that I've wrote these: check out my "Electric Love" post circa February 2010, yeah, a year ago.

The Amalina on February 2010 never thought that exactly a year after she posted that excerpt of her life, her heart would been made topsy-turvy by her CREATOR and to such extent...! See how Qada' and Qadar change your life in an instant? This is divine intervention at its best. It comes and goes at times that you were least expected. You were stupefied at the time that you were least prepared. 
Rukun Iman is important people!!!

Yet, it's still ubiquitously unbelievable for me to basically mutter,

 "Hey I've been caught off the wall and left stoned on my feet as my heart being snatched away!" 

even though, that's exactly what is applied to my situation right now. Being someone's someone is an alien idea for me, at least, before. I do not know how to be a someone's someone. I have no idea how to responds to such situation of me being a someone's someone.
I did thought, even to the point that, if I'm destined to be alone till the rest of my life, I'll accept that notion wholeheartedly, I'll understand that I am subjected to  a partner-less, soulmate-less life.

Heck, this has no formula whatsoever. Life's ain't an arithmetic equation, so to associate life with clear-cut solutions is just a blatant disregard on the richness of life itself. That's why I'm saying chances comes as a surprise, at times when you are so ready to let go and give up, at times when you say enough is enough and ready to let things go. 

My chances comes as a pleasant surprise, and I believe that it will be a pleasant surprise, even in years to come. What I could believe and pray is bliss and blessings, and hopefully this kankei関係 will last. 
This is my truest wish from the bottommost part of my heart.


君はあたしのために、 応援すると優しさは

Thank you Allah for this nikmat. This made me appreciate life more.


Super Ultra Ensentric Otaku said…
Dah agak dah....post seterusnya mesti gini punya.... hahahaha
amal X icchan said…
haiyaaaa!! saya just update life saye je..peminat ramai nak tahu. hoho
ament said…
heyyyy laling~~~
i'm soooo happy for u!!!
*terharu ni TT___TT*
hahaha~ anywayssss congarats dear! semoga bahagia ke anak cucu ;p kkkk

p/s: sila rajin update blog. i'm a big fan tauuuu~~
p/s 2: weyyyy doakan utk aku gak~~ kekekekeke ;)
amal X icchan said…
oooh ament-samaaa!! thankies dear~

aku slalu doakan kawan2 aku juga...esp. ko..wuwuwuwuuu...

aku akan cube meghajenkan diri update blog ye...yay! ko memang pembaca setia saye walaupun aku suke merepek cam pe dlm blog aku oi. hahaha.
Anonymous said…
i laugh really hard reading your post electric love in feb 2010 and dreamer now~~~ ganbatte amarii chan~~~
amal X icchan said…
cik anonymous i.e. mai:
Hai ganbaruu!!!
ouenshite kudasai! TQ for everything!!

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