Dari Kerana Mata.
Charthric Darby says, "[A person] doesn't judge a book by its cover. He judges a player by his heart."
Don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge the book by its cover.
Dah entah berapa kali dalam dunia ni, kita dengar proverb ni, kan. Tapi dalam berapa banyak kali kita dengar tu, ada berapa banyak orang fikir betul-betul maknanya?
Adalah dalam... dua tiga bintik dalam selaut 6,775,235,700 orang khalifah Allah s.w.t kat muka bumi ni agaknya.
Definitely, we suffer from the "tidak-mahu" syndrome. We refuse to walk the talk, refuse to practice what we preach.
Or, even if we do take that quote seriously, it just won't happen in an instant. It's like, our brain automatically programmed itself to ultimate setting; labeling someone/something/someplace based on their outward appearance.
Macam susah sangat nak reset balik kepala hotak memasing ni...ada je yang tak kena.
We just need to understand, it's super easy.
Not all blondes are bimbos.
Not all Pit Bulls are rabies-infected.
Not all women love cute fluffy pink things.
Or not all younger sibling of an insanely genius person could achieve the same level her elder sibling had set.
I always had problem with this word from the start. I was like; "Why create this beautifully crafted metaphorical verse, when nobody actually puts effort in understanding it?"
It left me perplexed, everytime I had encounter with people who definitely judged me the way I look.
Just because I don't wear Hana Tajimak<--intentional misspelling--style tudung, doesn't mean that I didn't knew anything about trends.
Just because I don't do BBMs doesn't mean I'm an ultra noob who needs random tutorial on it.
Just because I look ultra-kampung doesn't mean that I can't speak fluent English.
Just because I'm quiet around loud people doesn't necessarily mean that I am an anti-social.
Get a grip, and please get your fact straight.
And dude, just because I extended a semester for exchange study, it doesn't mean that I'm neglecting my studies for God's sake!
Just because Neil Patrick Harris plays playaa pundit THE Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother doesn't negates the fact that he's a full-fledge proud gay. :P
People are ALWAYS more than meets the eye. That's the core value.
btw makcikkk rindunye sama kamu!!!!! bile tah nk jmpe TT.TT lame dah x borak dgn ko. huhuhu..
btw u look ulter-kampung?really??hum..