
Sudah mari kami punya soalan mooting....
I was hoping to get the Winry-Alphonse-Edward question though...but it so happens that we didn't get the "rezeki" to hv the opportunity, but whatevs. (Ulquoirra sounds nice by the way...but it's a Private International Law question-tak penah belajar lagi so sorry lah babe..) We're happened to get the Torts one, the Meredith Grey question. Pity that neither McDreamy nor McSteamy managed get their names on the line. ahahahahaha.....wth. 
So when Cik Ummi told us that that we're handing Bundle of Authorities and written submission on the same date other groups are supposed to hand out theirs, I was bulging my eyes so alarmingly hoping that she'll notice...Madam...we got our question a week late kot...takkan nak submit sama hari dgn org yang dapat awall...But later, even though my scary "bush-babies" eyes left no impression whatsoever, Cik Ummi out of consideration (I suppose) let us submit everything on 7th March, giving one extra week.. Phew! Thank God!

Guys, I seriously want to go home. I am sick enough and fed up enough with all these drama currently happening around me. Immature people that seems happy to stay the way they are. That are happy to create pointless fights and muttered out sarcasms that actually fit no one but themselves. People who refuse to grow up, nonetheless to get a life.
Poyo arr.. siyes!
Tak paham tol aku.
Orang macam ni pun wujud ek??
I'm tired already, seriously. I had limits too. Takkanlah aku boleh made a great escape out of everything...sometimes I can't. Come on, cutii....cepat2lah datang...aku mau makan limau dengan banyaknye...


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